Need a House Sitter?

I have just found a great way to travel and learn more about the local culture!  It's House Sitting.  Not that house sitting is a completely novel idea, but now the internet helps sitters and owners find each other.  I am using the web site "Mind My House," and have completed an "advert" for owners to see.

There are opportunities available all over the world, so I am hoping that we will soon be able to travel far and wide, staying for a month or more in each location.  We will definitely make a lot of new friends, too.

Once we pay for airfare, or the expenses to drive to a house, the costs of staying there are no more than they would be at home.  I am under the impression that most house sitting opportunities involve paying the utilities, internet fees, and that sort of thing.

Here's the URL for my listing.  Check it out!


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